Blackboard Workshops
Blackboard workshops are available online. Visit the Faculty Events Calendar for the latest workshop and training offerings. Need help with Blackboard? Visit our Blackboard Help page.
Blackboard: Online Workshops
DE: Blackboard 1: Building a Course Site – Hours: 2
This is the first in a series of four workshops on teaching with Blackboard. It will help you to begin creating your Blackboard course site. You will learn how to organize your course site and add the content you need to provide to your students. Topics covered in this workshop include: building a course menu; managing course appearance; creating announcements; creating course content (including files, folders and tool links); adding multimedia from YouTube, Flickr and SlideShare; editing content; and managing users.
This workshop is offered as a self-paced course in Blackboard. Once you register for this course, IDS will be notified and will enroll you in the Blackboard course within two business days. You will be notified when the enrollment process is complete and you can start the course.
DE: Blackboard 2: Assignments and Assessments – Hours: 2
Blackboard allows you to create tests, quizzes, assignments, and surveys to facilitate high-stakes assessment or simply to provide students with guided practice. This workshop will teach you how to create these kinds of assessments and activities. Topics include creating and deploying tests, quizzes, surveys, and assignments; making tests secure; and creating and grading with rubrics.
This workshop is offered as a self-paced course in Blackboard. Once you register for this course, IDS will be notified and will enroll you in the Blackboard course within two business days. You will be notified when the enrollment process is complete and you can start the course.
DE: Blackboard 3: Grade Center – Hours: 2
Whether you are using integrated Blackboard assignments or looking for a place to record grades on work submitted outside of Blackboard, the Grade Center gives you a secure online environment in which to manage student grades. This workshop will teach you how to create grade columns, weighted grades, organize your Grade Center, download grades to Excel, and more.
This workshop is offered as a self-paced course in Blackboard. Once you register for this course, IDS will be notified and will enroll you in the Blackboard course within two business days. You will be notified when the enrollment process is complete and you can start the course.
DE: Blackboard 4: Interactive Tools – Hours: 2
Blackboard’s integrated interactive tools give you the ability to facilitate interaction and communication with and amongst your students. Use these tools to create opportunities for self-reflection, conversation, and collaboration. In this workshop, you will learn about the basics of creating and using discussion boards, journals, wikis, and blogs.
This workshop is offered as a self-paced course in Blackboard. Once you register for this course, IDS will be notified and will enroll you in the Blackboard course within two business days. You will be notified when the enrollment process is complete and you can start the course.