Policies & Procedures
Austin Community College (ACC) provides different manuals and handbooks as a reference for policies and procedures.
Board of Trustees Policies
The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing policies that govern educational programs, and provides high-level guidance and leadership to ensure ACC meets the needs of the communities served.
- View the Board Policies
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- Visit the Board of Trustees page
Administrative Rules
These are the formal written policies that serve as guidelines and procedures. Administrative rules are based on Board Policy.
Employee Handbook
The ACC Employee Handbook serves as a comprehensive reference guide for ACC’s policies, procedures, and benefits pertaining to employees.
Faculty Handbook
The ACC Faculty Handbook is a reference guide for all full-time and adjunct faculty that provides general information about College policies and procedures, services available for faculty, and faculty responsibilities.
Compliance Training
Mandatory compliance training is managed by ACC Human Resources. These trainings include:
- ADA Awareness
- Sexual Harassment Prevention
- Cyber Security Awareness
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
To read the requirements for each of the mandatory trainings, please visit the ACC Human Resources Mandatory Compliance Training page.
Faculty Evaluation Manual and Procedures
Austin Community College (ACC) values quality teaching and the importance of a learning environment that helps faculty grow by supporting the continuous improvement of the teaching skills of the faculty.
Note: New full-time faculty members must receive an in-class observation.
Faculty Evaluation Procedures (PDF) – Manual provides details about the ACC evaluation process, including the portfolio process.
Portfolio Procedures (PDF) – Provides portfolio process guidelines. For additional details refer to the Faculty Evaluation Procedures Manual.
Classroom Observation Procedures (PDF) – Provides procedures for conducting in-class observations, and definitions from observation checklists.
Library Policies & Guidelines
These policies cover different topics such as conduct in the library, use of materials and facilities, and copyright and fair use, among others.
Austin Community College (ACC) Distance Education Faculty Handbook
The purpose of the Austin Community College (ACC) Distance Education Faculty Handbook is to ensure high quality in the delivery of distance education with regard to instruction and procedures. The handbook provides guidelines and procedures for the design, development, delivery, and assessment of distance education courses and programs, consistent with AR and G/P 4.01.001. It is maintained by the Office of Distance and Alternative Education with input from the College-wide Distance Education Committee. Requests for changes and additions to the Handbook by faculty and staff should be made to the chair of the Distance Education Committee.