Blackboard Learn
Blackboard is the learning management system for Austin Community College (ACC). Every face-to-face, hybrid, and online course has a corresponding Blackboard course site. Blackboard is a teaching tool that enables faculty to share their course materials and build interactive activities in a single place for teaching and learning.
To access Blackboard use your ACCeID credentials: http://acconline.austincc.edu
For Your Students
If your students need help with Blackboard, please direct them to the Blackboard Student Help page.
Request Support
Contact an Educational Technologist for help with course copy, creating announcements, grade center, uploading assignments, technical issues, and help with add-ons and features by submitting the Faculty Support form. Need ideas on how to implement Blackboard features into your teaching? Please visit the Teaching Consultations & Support page to set up a consultation.
- Upload files in different formats
- Create discussion forums, journals, blogs, and wikis
- Use the Gradebook to post grades
- Add feedback to submitted assignments
- Create quizzes and exams
- Evaluate course documents and files for accessibility with Ally
Getting Started
Blackboard Workshops
Distance Education provides workshops to help faculty learn about different Blackboard features such as assignments and assessments, the grade center, and Blackboard interactive tools.
For any questions about these workshops, please email dlstaff@austincc.edu.
Teaching & Learning Knowledge Base
The Teaching & Learning Knowledge Base maintains updated articles on Blackboard – everything from the basics of how to get started, setting up tests, and working with the Grade Center. It also contains helpful articles designed to help faculty 24/7 with common instructional tools used at ACC, and more!
Useful Add Ons for Blackboard
- Qwickly Demo Videos Take the pain out of tracking and grading student attendance with Qwickly Attendance. Qwickly Attendance enables faculty to take attendance that is automatically graded in the Blackboard Grade Center. Faculty can take attendance using an attendance list on screen or allow students to check in on their own browser, complete with a PIN and countdown timer.
- Upswing is the new online tutoring tool that is available in Blackboard. Students need to log into their Blackboard course for Upswing access.
- VoiceThread is a collaborative Web 2.0 tool that allows users to create, share, and comment on images, websites, documents, and videos. Learn how to add VoiceThread to your Blackboard visit the Teaching & Learning Knowledge Base page for adding VoiceThread.
Training and Support
Teaching consultations are available to help you implement this tool into your teaching.
Educational Technologists are available to provide training and answer questions.
Workshops to learn about the tools available for teaching and learning are available.
Not finding what you need? Please email TLEDcomms@austincc.edu. If any content on this page needs updating, please email tledwebsite@austincc.edu.