Austin Community College (ACC) and the Teaching and Learning Excellence Division (TLED) provide several types of faculty support for the development of assessments. We also have an Assessment FAQ to answer some basic common questions.
“For assessment to improve student learning and authentically document what students know and can do for today’s diverse students, an equitable and culturally responsive approach to assessment is needed.”
–National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
February 21, 2022: Respondus Instructor Live Proctoring – Available starting February 21, 2022, a new extension of the Respondus LockDown Browser allows faculty to administer a Respondus-required exam in coordination with Zoom.
Respondus Student Help: If students need technical support on updating Respondus LockDown Browser, they can contact Student Technology Services.
Important: ACC is phasing out ProctorU at the end of Fall 2021. Learn More
Testing Guide
Our Testing Guide is comprehensive, including an ACC Testing Comparison Chart and:
- Proctoring information and options
- Technology requirements for testing
- Help and support information
ACC Testing Centers
The ACC Testing Centers page provides faculty-focused:
- Updates and announcements
- Information on guidelines
- An FAQ and support contacts
Teaching Consultations & Support
The Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED) and the Office of Distance & Alternative Education (ODAE) provide comprehensive support in course design, technology tools for teaching, and other high-impact practices that contribute to our Guided Pathways model at Austin Community College (ACC). We are available for various types of consultations to provide just-in-time assistance and support for your teaching. Review our robust options by visiting:
Creating traditional assessments that focus on recall and memorization of facts can be tempting to use for mobile learning. In fact, in 2020, 51% of ACC faculty reported the need to learn more about online testing for remote teaching. However, alternative assessments such as portfolios, presentations, and more give students a chance to apply higher ordered thinking and are just as well supported by technologies used for mobile learning. Review the resources below to learn more about alternative assessments.
Title |
Institution |
Author |
Link |
Bloom’s Taxonomy |
Vanderbilt U. |
Patricia Armstrong |
Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) |
Valencia College |
Angelo and Cross |
Assessing student learning |
Indiana U Bloomington |
Center Teaching and Learning |
Measuring student learning |
Cornell U. |
Center Teaching Innovation |
Bloom et al.’s taxonomy of the cognitive domain |
Valdosta State U |
W. Huitt |
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives |
Yale U. |
Graduate Teaching Center |
What are inclusive assessment practices? |
Tufts U |
Office of Provost |
Creating Sustainable Assessment through Collaboration |
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment |
Kara J. Malafant, Karen Brown |
Equity in Assessment |
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment |
Erick Montenegro |
Bloom’s taxonomy action verbs |
Fresno State U |
W. Huitt |
Evaluating students |
Stanford U |
Teaching Commons |
Equity and Assessment: Moving Towards Culturally Responsive Assessment |
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment |
Erick Montenegro, Natasha K. Jankowski |
Focused on What Matters: Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes at Minority-Serving Institutions |
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment |
Erick Montenegro, Natasha K. Jankowski |
Alternatives to Traditional Exams and Papers |
Indiana U Bloomington |
Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning |
Assess teaching and learning |
Carnegie Mellon U |
Eberly Center |
Title |
Date |
Author |
Permalink |
Assessing Student Learning : A Common Sense Guide |
2018 |
Linda Suskie |
Assessing the online learner : resources and strategies for faculty |
2009 |
Rena M. Palloff |
Becoming a student-ready college : a new culture of leadership for student success. |
2016 |
Tia Brown McNair |
A Complete Guide to Rubrics : Assessment Made Easy for Teachers, K-College |
2012 |
Audrey M. Quinlan |
Evaluation Beyond Exams in Nursing Education : Designing Assignments and Evaluating With Rubrics |
2014 |
Robin Donohoe Dennison |
The Handbook of Communication Training : A Framework for Assessing and Developing Competence |
2018 |
J.D. Wallace |
Classroom Assessment in Action |
2011 |
Mark D. Shermis |
Classroom Assessment : A Practical Guide for Educators |
2017 |
Craig D. Mertler |
Checking for Understanding : Formative Assessment Techniques for Your Classroom |
2007 |
Douglas Fisher |
Classroom Assessment and Grading That Work |
2006 |
Robert J. Marzano |
Classroom assessment : enhancing the quality of teacher decision making |
2003 |
Lorin W. Anderson |
Curriculum Based Assessment : A Primer |
2004 |
Charles H. Hargis |
Formative Assessment : Making It Happen in the Classroom |
2010 |
Margaret Heritage |
Introduction to Rubrics : An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback, and Promote Student Learning |
2005 |
Dannelle D. Stevens |
Designing and assessing courses and curricula : a practical guide |
2008 |
Robert M. Diamond |
Formative Assessment in a Brain-Compatible Classroom : How Do We Really Know They’re Learning? |
2016 |
Marcia L. Tate |
The Leaders of Their Own Learning Companion : New Tools and Tips for Tackling the Common Challenges of Student-Engaged Assessment |
2019 |
Ron Berger |
InterActive Classroom : Practical Strategies for Involving Students in the Learning Process. |
2019 |
Ron Nash |
Increasing productivity and efficiency in online teaching |
2016 |
Patricia Dickenson |
Fair Isn’t Always Equal, 2nd Edition : Assessment & Grading in the Differentiated Classroom |
2017 |
Rick Wormeli |
Effective grading : a tool for learning and assessment in college |
2010 |
Barbara E.F. Walvoord |
Rubric Assessment Goes to College : Objective, Comprehensive Evaluation of Student Work |
2013 |
Mary J. Goggins Selke |
Striving for the Perfect Classroom : Instructional and Assessment Strategies to Meet the Needs of Today’s Diverse Learners |
2010 |
Kelli R. Pacquette |
Testing student learning, evaluating teaching effectiveness |
2004 |
Williamson M. Evers |
The Online Teaching Survival Guide : Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips |
2016 |
Judith V. Boettcher |
Evaluation and testing in nursing education |
2009 |
Marilyn H. Oermann |
Portfolio Assessment for the Teaching and Learning of Writing |
2018 |
Ricky Lam |
Powerful Teaching : Unleash the Science of Learning |
2019 |
Pooja Agarwal |
Reflective teaching, effective learning instructional literacy for library educators |
2011 |
Char Booth |
How to Use Grading to Improve Learning |
2017 |
Susan M. Brookhart |
On Grades and Grading : Supporting Student Learning Through a More Transparent and Purposeful Use of Grades |
2013 |
Timothy Quinn |
Great performances: creating classroom-based assessment tasks |
1998 |
Larry Lewin |
The theory and practice of grading writing: problems and possibilities |
1998 |
Frances Zak |
Understanding by design |
1998 |
Grant P. Wiggins, Jay McTighe |
(Re)articulating writing assessment for teaching and learning |
2002 |
Brian A. Hooat |
What We Know About Grading : What Works, What Doesn’t, and What’s Next |
2019 |
Thomas R. Guskey |
What we really value : beyond rubrics in teaching and assessing writing |
2003 |
Bob Broad |
To access these journals, please go to:
and then login with ACCeID credentials (Okta) and search by journal title.
Journal Titles
These are available via the ACC Library:
- American Biology Teacher
- American Music Teacher
- American Teacher
- Art Education
- Educational Assessment
- Research and Practice in Assessment
- Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness
- Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
- The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation
Listen to the Teaching & Learning Champions Podcast: Use of Alternative Assessment through Remote Teaching.