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Teaching & Learning with Generative AI


Generative AI (GAI) has created a myriad of opportunities for teaching and learning. This page offers ideas and examples for incorporating GAI into your teaching and learning. Click the purple links to see examples, and then experiment with your own variations. Simply copy the prompt and paste into an LLM like ChatGPT. Remember to adjust the specific language to fit your needs.

For one-on-one support to add AI to your course please reach out to an instructional designer.

For questions about the content on this page, please email

Information Literacy Options for Faculty Available

ACC faculty librarians offer library instruction and information literacy for teaching faculty and their students. This includes sessions on Artificial Intelligence. To learn about the topics available and how to request one, please click on the link below.

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Authentic Assessment

Design learning to tap into a student’s motivation through authentic assessments.

Apply Knowledge

Have students apply their newfound knowledge to real-world scenarios rather than reciting the knowledge for example, ask students to write reflective essays connecting course material to their personal experiences or future career aspirations. This personal connection makes it difficult to use generic AI-generated content.

Capstone Projects

Implement capstone projects where students work on a comprehensive task over an extended period, applying various skills and knowledge they’ve acquired. This could involve research, analysis, and presentation of findings on a complex topic.

Case Studies and Simulations

Use case studies or simulations that mirror real-life scenarios. Students must analyze the situation and propose solutions, drawing on their knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Community Engagement

Integrate community service or engagement into the curriculum, where students must apply their learning in a community setting. This could involve volunteering, internships, or community-based research projects.


Debates and Discussions

Organize debates or discussions on contemporary issues related to the course content. Students must research, prepare arguments, and engage in critical discourse, activities that are difficult to replicate using AI.

Peer Review and Collaboration

Encourage peer review and collaborative assignments where students work in groups and critically assess each other’s work. This fosters a deeper understanding and application of concepts through discussion and teamwork.

Project-Based Learning

Assign projects that require students to apply concepts in real-world situations. For example, in a business course, students could develop a marketing plan for a local business, requiring them to integrate course concepts with practical market analysis.

Problem-Solving Assignments

Design assignments that pose a complex problem for students to solve, possibly in stages. This type of task requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and can’t easily be completed by AI tools.

Enhancing Learner Engagement

Interactive Learning

Resource Provision

Supporting Collaborative Learning 

    • Packback can guide students to ask better questions in a discussion, encourage them to back up their points with sources, and help them with wording things.

Making Education Inclusive and Accessible

AI Assistant

    • Update a syllabus: You can paste your course schedule into Microsoft Copilot, and tell it the dates and the vacation days for the next semester, and Microsoft Copilot will map your activities to new dates


    • Create fair and inclusive grading rubrics.

Individual attention

    • You can ask it to help you understand things in different modalities that could feel uncomfortable in class. Maybe there was something you thought you should know but seemed too simple, AI isn’t going to judge.
      • Example: I talked to my doctor after surgery about my nerve block but it was still very scary when it happened. ChatGPT helped me understand what was going on.
    • Or maybe you are having trouble following a video, you can use the Plugin Chat with Video:

Note Taking


Personalized Learning

Generative AI (GAI) can be used by teachers to personalize learning for students by creating tailored learning experiences, generating adaptive content, and recommending resources based on individual student data and preferences. This technology analyzes vast amounts of data, including student performance and learning outcomes, to generate personalized content, recommendations, and assessments, thus enhancing student engagement and motivation. It also provides immediate feedback on student performance, enabling students to monitor their progress, identify areas for improvement, and receive timely support.

By leveraging generative AI, educators can create a more personalized, efficient, and engaging educational journey for all students.

Below are concepts and ideas with examples for how to create a personalized learning experience using GAI.

Adjusting Complexity

  • Ask the LLM to explain something to a five-year-old, or write instructions at an eighth-grade level. Then ask to check for understanding.

Creating Engagement

  • One idea to make learning more engaging through personalization is to ask ChatGPT to place information into a context that is familiar to the learners. For example, ask ChatGPT to explain Ethos, Pathos, and Logos as a scene from the Golden Girls:

Flexible Timing

  • Students can interact with GAI at any time, allowing for flexible study schedules.

Immediate Feedback

  • Provides instant responses, allowing for immediate error correction and reinforcement.

Presentation Preparation

  • Here is my presentation, what kind of questions can I expect from the audience?

Review and Reinforce

  • After learning about the concept, you can ask ChatGPT to help you review and reinforce your understanding. You could ask for a summary, a quiz, or a discussion about the concept.
  • ChatpGPT can help add in the learning objective that you are working on.

Self-Directed Learning

  • Enable students to explore their interests in-depth, promoting independent learning.

Writing Tutor


If you need help implementing AI into your course, please submit an Academic Technology Service Request form and choose “Instructional Design Consultation.”

For questions about the TLED GAI Guide, please email