Fellowships and Funding
TLED provides a variety of opportunities for extra funding and fellowship opportunities to support faculty and employees.
A variety of annual conferences are available for faculty to attend for professional development.
TLED offers a set of diverse, long-term fellowships for faculty who are interested in gaining more experience in the following strategies:
- Adobe Creative Campus
- Great Questions
- Honors
- Quality Matters
- And More!
Globalizing Curriculum
The Globalizing Curriculum opportunity is a group of faculty that make up a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) who collaborate together to improve upon their individual teaching practice by integrating global topics into their curriculum
Innovation Grants
Grants are provided to individual faculty, faculty groups, or professional-technical staff for projects that focus on enhancing learning environments.
All faculty new to ACC are provided with support through a mentor during their first semester.
An opportunity provided to ACC employees intended to improve both ACC and employees who would benefit from a sabbatical for personal/and or professional improvement.
Teaching & Learning Academy
A program designed to support faculty based on evidence-based teaching strategies, reflective practice, and teaching innovation.