Culturally Responsive Teaching Fellowships
The Culturally Responsive Teaching Fellowships are designed to support faculty in the redesign of courses employing culturally responsive best practices and strategies that support equitable outcomes in student success.
Introduction to Equity-Mindedness
Participating faculty members will go on a journey of self-examination and critical reflection in order to implement evidence-based equitable teaching and learning strategies. They will also learn about available resources to support them.
- Complete the Equity Certificate Series – A series of 3 workshops offered monthly synchronously online via Zoom
- Becoming an Equity-Minded Instructor Course – This six-week course is offered in a hybrid online format, with 5 asynchronous learning modules and 2-hour synchronous meetings once per week.
Application Process:
- Visit the Equity Certificate Series website and the Becoming an Equity-Minded Instructor Course website for more information.
- 15-person capacity for Becoming an Equity-Minded Instructor Course
- Enrollees are admitted on a first-come, first-served basis
Unlimited capacity for Equity Certificate
Stipend: $300 + 10-30 professional development hours
Faculty Research Fellowship in Culturally Responsive Teaching
Participants in the Culturally Responsive Teaching Faculty Research Fellowship will conduct research in implementing at least one change in their coursework to address equity gaps in their classroom. They will also deepen their understanding of contemporary Equity issues through professional development.
- Implement one change in their work with students to address equity gaps in the college
- Participate in one Office of Faculty Development sponsored Equity-Focused professional development opportunity
- Draft a research proposal by the end of their first year focused on a contemporary issue, theory, or method in Culturally Responsive Teaching that they plan to examine further on their path to the Senior Faculty Research Fellowship
- Meet with the Faculty Development Coordinator for bi-monthly check-ins
Length: 1 Year
Start Date/Semester: Spring 2023
Prerequisites: Applicants must have completed either the Equity Certificate or the Becoming an Equity-Minded Instructor
Stipend: $1200
The application deadline has passed.
Acceptance notifications will be sent no later than 5 pm on Friday, December 9, 2022.
Completion of the Faculty Research Fellowship in CRT places candidates in the selection pool for the
Senior Faculty Research Fellowship.
Senior Faculty Research Fellowship in Culturally Responsive Teaching
Year One
In their first year in pursuit of the Senior Faculty Research Fellowship, faculty will be required to:
- Shadow the facilitator of the Becoming an Equity-Minded Instructor Course or shadow the facilitators of the Equity Certificate Series
- OR travel to a relevant conference or Equity-Focused event
- OR implement one change in their work with students to address equity gaps in the college
- Meet with the Faculty Development Coordinator bi-monthly for check-ins
- Draft and submit a bibliography for use in their final literature review
Year Two
In their second year, faculty will be required to:
- Implement one change in their work with students to address equity gaps in the college
- OR present a professional development event on their research topic
- OR apply for a DEI mini-grant and write a white paper on the results
- Facilitate the Equity Certificate or Becoming an Equity-Minded Instructor Course
- Meet with the Faculty Development Coordinator bi-monthly for check-ins
- Present on their research with a clear plan of action for how ACC might address their chosen topic
Final Presentation
To complete their Culturally Responsive Teaching Fellowship, faculty fellows will have to submit and present their completed literature review on their research topic.
Length: Two Years
Start Date/Semester: Applications in December annually
Application Process: Applicants must have completed the Faculty Research Fellowship in CRT
Stipend: TBD
For any questions about the Culturally Responsive Teaching Faculty Fellowship, please contact Chelsea Biggerstaff, Interim Manager, Faculty Development: facdev@austincc.edu.