iPads in the Classroom Fellowships
The 2023 iPads in the Classroom Fellowship is a year-long opportunity for Austin Community College (ACC) faculty to learn about alternative teaching methods that increase student engagement and success through the use of iPads.
Time Commitment/Expectations
During the spring semester, Fellows will be required to attend 3 in-person meetings at HLC and 2 virtual meetings along with completing lab activities. The meetings may take up to 4 hours each. The lab assignments include subject matter articles and assignments designed to guide Fellows toward their course redesign proposal due in early May. Additionally, Fellows are expected to work with a TLED Instructional Designer while developing their proposals.
The summer term will provide the time for faculty to work with a TLED Instructional Designer to redesign the proposed course according to the proposal that was submitted. There are no specific predetermined meetings during the summer.
The fall semester will be focused on teaching the redesigned course, integrating iPads into the curriculum, and implementing the redesign plan. This will include the use of the iPads as a delivery platform and teaching tool during the course delivery. Fellows will collect quantitative and qualitative data which will be presented in their white paper and an optional publication.
Fellows are expected to be able to navigate the iPad device independently before the beginning of the fellowship including:
1. Creating an Apple ID and logging in along with the basics of iPad use (eg connecting to the wireless, using Bluetooth)
2. Have or obtain intermediate experience with an iPad before the start of the fellowship or attended or watched the Teaching Through Technology Series.
3. Do academic research including a review of literature, data collection, and a course redesign proposal.
Required meeting dates for Spring 2023:
- January 11th (in person)
- February 10th
- March 3rd (in person)
- April 14th
- May TBD (in person)
For the time and efforts of our Fellows, faculty will receive:
1. A TLED owned iPad – to be checked out to the faculty member for continued use during their employment at ACC.
2. $1,200 stipend – to be paid at the end of the Fellowship (December/January).
The application deadline has passed. Acceptance notifications will be sent no later than 5 pm on Friday, December 9, 2022.
Teaching Through Technology Series
Academic Technology has created a new series of workshops for faculty who are interested in the Adobe Creative Campus and iPads in the Classroom Course Redesign Fellowships. Faculty who view or attend these workshops will be exposed to pedagogical approaches to integrating technology into your courses; be introduced to Adobe Express, Adobe Cloud, and other applications that support teaching and learning; and learn more about the fellowship process from the Academic Technology Instructional Designers that facilitate these programs.
Series workshops:
- Digital Literacy with Adobe Cloud
- Personal Learning Environments
- Academic Technology Fellowships Overview
- Using Technology to Reach Your Goals
- Dive into Digital Development with Adobe Express
Note: Series workshops have been completed and recordings can be viewed: Watch the Series
For any questions about the iPads in the Classroom Fellowship, please contact Richard Palmer, TLED Instructional Designer: rpalmer@austincc.edu.