Sabbatical application period has closed.
Sabbatical leave is a privilege that is intended to benefit both Austin Community College (ACC) and the employee. Sabbatical recipients are recommended by a committee of faculty, professional-technical staff, classified staff, and administrators. The College Chancellor has final approval of sabbaticals for staffing table employees.
Sabbatical leave may be granted for the purpose of personal and/or professional improvement, which will, in turn, benefit the College, through activities such as formal and informal study, acquisition of new skills, or keeping abreast of new technologies, research, and community service.
Note: Sabbatical leave may be granted to staffing table employees who have worked full-time for ACC for at least six (6) consecutive years. To read additional information regarding conditions under which Sabbatical leave is granted, please visit Guidelines/Procedures for AR 4.0502.07.1 Sabbatical Leave.
Sabbatical applications for sabbatical leave* to be taken in FY26 are due on January 31st, 2025. The fiscal year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31 annually.
*Sabbatical leave is taken in the fiscal year after the application year. That is, if a sabbatical leave application is requested in January of FY25, it is for leave which will occur in FY26.
Questions about the application or sabbatical procedures?
Please contact the sabbatical facilitator:
Phone: 512-223-7885
Email: facdev@austincc.edu
Questions about copyright and fair use?
Please contact our ACC Copyright Officer:
Courtney Mlinar
Elgin Campus Library
Phone: 512-223-9433
Email: courtney.mlinar@austincc.edu
How to Submit a FY26 Sabbatical Application
- Complete the Sabbatical Preparation Module (required).
- Visit with your Supervisor to discuss the plan to apply for the upcoming fiscal year. This will help your supervisor make staffing plans and accommodations.
- Prepare a detailed narrative of what you plan to accomplish while on sabbatical.
Narrative format:
- 5 -7 pages (not including cover page or references)
- 12 – point Times New Roman font
- Double-spaced
- MLA or APA
- If referencing a digital document, describe and cite the content in the narrative and include the link in the references section
Narrative should include the following sections:
- Introduction
- Purpose of Leave/Rationale
- Background and Significance of Project
- Benefits
- To College
- To Career
- Methods and Timeline
- Resources and Collaboration
- Deliverables
- Introduction
4. Please review the Sabbatical Guide and Evaluation Rubric for the Sabbatical Leave Proposal for more information.
5. Review ACC Library Services for support on research methods, APA/MLA formatting, and ACC’s Copyright policy
- Use this form to meet with a Librarian (optional)
- If applicable, complete the Copyright Agreement forms and upload them at the prompt in the application.
6. Acquire the preceding three years of evaluation reports to include and upload at the prompt in the application. According to Sabbatical Leave G/P 4.0502.07.1 , applicants must have received a satisfactory evaluation status. No application will be considered without these reports.
7. Compile a Sabbatical Application Packet in a Google Folder and meet with a Faculty Development Staff member (required) to review the packet at a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the deadline (on or before 1/17/2025). Items to be included in the Google folder are as follows:
- Your detailed narrative.
- 3 years of evaluation summary forms.
- If applicable, upload documentation confirming receipt of any award, grant, fellowship, or other arrangements
- If applicable, upload letters of support and/or specific proposed courses that will be taken, taught, or created.
- If Copyright Agreement forms are necessary for this project, upload a completed Standard Form and/or an Alternate Agreement Form.
- The goal of this meeting is to make sure your application meets the application guidelines (i.e., 5-7 pages not to include cover page or references, APA or MLA formatting, etc.) and that the application packet is complete. The quality and college impact of your application will be evaluated by the committee using the rubric.
8. Complete the Sabbatical Leave Application Form (must be logged in to your ACC Gmail account).
9. Send your Sabbatical Application Packet Google Folder and the Sabbatical Leave Approval Form (with eSign Capabilities) at a minimum of 1 week prior to the application deadline (on or before 1/24/2025):to:
- First to your immediate Supervisor for approval and signature.
- If approved, then request approval and signature from your next-level Supervisor.
- If approved, request approval and signature from your highest-level Supervisor.
- For example, a faculty member would submit to their Department Chair, then the Dean, and then AVC.
Note: Please keep your supervisor informed of your progress so they know when to expect your application and can allocate appropriate time for review and signature.
10. Finally, upload the Completed Sabbatical Application Approval Form with signatures to the Completed Sabbatical Leave Approval Form (Must be logged into your ACC Gmail account) by the posted deadline Late applications are not accepted.
Note: If you modify your materials after meeting with the Faculty Development team member, please resubmit your Sabbatical Leave Application Form at a minimum of 1 week prior to the application deadline (on or before 1/24/2025) to ensure we have the correct documents.
Administrative Rule 4.0502.7 Sabbatical Leave
Guidelines/Procedures for AR 4.0502.07.1 Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical Recipients FY 2025
- Ariana Cortes, PhD – Sociology
- Rosa Davila – World Languages
- Stephanie Dunbar – Drama
- Shelley Mitchell – Professional Nursing
- James (Jed) Stephens, PhD – Communication Studies
- April Adams – Institutional Research & Analytics
- Melissa Biegert, PhD – High School Programs Academic Success