Check Out Equipment
Faculty can visit their campus Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) to check out technology.
If you need an orientation on the equipment, Educational Technologists are available on your campus to assist you. Assistance is available for media and classroom technology from the Educational Technology Support team.
Equipment Check Out Rules
- Equipment may only be checked out by staff or faculty. Hourlies and work-studies cannot check out equipment.
- The staff or faculty member checking out equipment may permit students to use the equipment if they are directly supervising the usage.
- All devices must be returned on or before the due date specified at the time of checkout. Employees are responsible for the care and security of checked-out devices. In the event of damage, loss, or theft, the employee must report the incident to Educational Technology Support as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the incident is discovered.
Equipment Available for Checkout
- Webcams
- USB microphones
- Headsets
- Cameras and tripods
- Document cameras
- Overhead projectors
- iPads
- Calculators (graphing and scientific)
- Projectors and Screens
- Portable public address systems (PA)
- DVD and Blu-ray Players
- Video projector remotes, pointers, and wireless advancer remotes. Remote advancers will forward your Power Point slides without having to stand next to the computer.
Returning Equipment
Faculty are able to return technology to any TLC, regardless of which campus they were at when they checked out the device.
Requesting an Extension
To request an extension for a device, please submit the Technology Extension Request Form.
If you have any questions, please email facultysupport@austincc.edu.