Teaching Spaces
Teaching spaces come in a variety of options from classrooms with presentation technologies and video streaming to large lecture halls and dedicated learning spaces designed with wrap-around services like the ACCelerator.
Austin Community College (ACC) staff can reserve a room through the Ad Astra Room Scheduling system. Please make your request at least 24 hrs in advance. For classroom media technology support, please submit the Educational Technology Support Online Form.
If you are planning an event at ACC, please visit the ACC Events page to find useful information to help plan your event. For event requests and services, please submit the Multimedia Events Request Form.
For questions or inquiries about specific rooms, please contact the Campus Manager from the corresponding campus.
Audio Visual Design Standards
Most classrooms on ACC campuses are equipped with several audio/visual (AV) technologies. These tools foster engaged teaching and learning and allow instructors to convey subject matter in a way that supports student success.
In addition to ACC classrooms, these AV technologies are available in most conference rooms, collaboration spaces, and special event spaces.
The exact AV makeup of a particular space takes into consideration intended use cases, the size of the space, typical user demographics (instructors, students, staff, community), and other considerations.
While the specific AV varies by room, below is a list of technologies, manufacturers, etc. that are standard for any AV installations.
- Video Projector: Panasonic laser projectors with a minimum of 5000 Lumens
- TV Video Display: Samsung or LG, 55” to 75”
- Interactive Video Display: Newline X series or Z series
- Video Camera: Vaddio RoboShot or Panasonic wall- or ceiling-mounted PTZ 4K units
- Microphone: Shure or Biamp wired or wireless microphone systems]
- Speaker: JBL, Crestron, or QSC wall- or ceiling-mounted
- Wireless Media Sharing: Mersive Solstice Pods
- Document Camera: Lumens with HDMI output
The ACCelerators are comprehensive learning spaces designed with wrap around student support. Tutors are available as well as academic coaches. ACCelerators are equipped with computer stations pods, study rooms, and a classroom. Additionally, faculty can teach in-person or distance learning synchronous classes in the ACCelerator – learn more. Visit the ACCelerator website.
On Campus Classrooms
General Classrooms
All general-purpose classrooms are fully equipped with audio and video capabilities. They have ceiling-mounted video projectors that are operated using a control panel on the wall or mounted on the podium. Most classrooms have document cameras and other features that are either pre-installed or available by request. When not used for classes, they are available to instructors for review sessions, seminars, exams, and other academic purposes.
Computer Classrooms
Depending on the campus, most computer classrooms will have 10 -20 Dell Optiplex 7010 computers or equivalent.
HyFlex Classrooms
HyFlex classrooms are designed to support the simultaneous teaching of students both physically in the classroom as well as remotely. These classrooms are equipped with a television display for showing the remote students to the in-person attendees, as well as a mounted camera that allows the remote students to see the instructor and/or the in-person students. Teaching HyFlex classes requires department chair approval as well as completion of a training offered by Distance Education.
Request Evaluation to Upgrade Classroom to HyFlex
Virtual Teaching Spaces
In addition to classrooms well-equipped with current technologies on each campus, students and faculty can share virtual learning spaces using Blackboard, and other tools.
If you need help with Blackboard, please visit the Teaching Consultations & Support page for assistance.
Blackboard Learn is the learning management system for Austin Community College (ACC). Every face-to-face, hybrid, and online course has a corresponding Blackboard course site. Blackboard is a teaching tool that enables faculty to share their course materials and build interactive activities in a single place for teaching and learning.
Visit the Tools page to learn about the teaching tools supported by ACC.
Please visit the Teaching Consultations & Support page for assistance with these tools.