Technology Help
Austin Community College (ACC) and the Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED) offer a variety of technology help options. Assistance is available for media and classroom technology from the Educational Technology Support team.
Help is available for general technical issues via ACC Technical Support Services.
Need help with Blackboard? Visit our Blackboard Help page.
Classroom Technology Help
Educational Technologists are the immediate point of contact for general daily classroom support at your campus and they will help address issues with:
- Audio/visual technology in classrooms
- Training on the use of classroom equipment and technology
- Analyze hardware and software functionality in classrooms
- Identify, resolve, and repair problems within the scope of their authority and knowledge
Assistance is available for media and classroom technology from the Educational Technology Support team. Faculty can check out equipment – see a list of available equipment.
Educational Technologists provide advanced software and peripherals support, training, and assistance to faculty and staff in the Teaching & Learning Centers (TLCs). Educational Technologists are also available for consultations, recommendations, training, and direct support as needed with the usage of equipment on campus for such things as video conferencing or special events.
Several ways to reach an Educational Technologist:
- Phone: 512-223-0111
- Email: facultysupport@austincc.edu
- Submit Form: Request Help
Teaching Support and Consultations
TLED and the Office of Distance & Alternative Education (ODAE) provide comprehensive support in course design, technology tools for teaching, and other high-impact practices that contribute to our Guided Pathways model at Austin Community College (ACC). Our teams are available for various types of consultations to provide just-in-time assistance and support to faculty for their teaching.
ACC Technical Support Services
ACC Technical Support Services can help with a variety of technical issues such as:
- ACCeID Activation/Password Reset
- ACCmail Activation
- Telephone Services
- Wireless Support
- ACC Domain Requests
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday: 7:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Weekend Hours – Saturday: 9:00am – 4:00pm / Sunday: Closed
Phone: 512-223-8324