Several opportunities for funding are available to attend conferences. Please read all the details for each conference and submit applications (when required) by the deadline. For any questions, please email the Office of Faculty Development via facdev@austincc.edu.
Lilly-Austin Conference
The Lilly Conference for College and University Teaching and Learning formed over 35 years ago with the purpose of providing a platform for presentations in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Austin has hosted the conference for the past eight years. The Lilly-Austin Conference is part of the Lilly series of conferences held in different cities nationally, and internationally. The Lilly-Austin Conference is not only a wonderful opportunity to learn and develop as educators, but also a great opportunity to network.
Participants come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education, including faculty and administrators. They are at various stages of their academic careers ranging from post doctoral positions, adjunct faculty, new faculty, mid-career faculty, seasoned faculty, and even emeritus faculty. The conference maintains the same overall theme: “Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning.”
Scholarships are available for Austin Community College (ACC) faculty.
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD)
The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) is an organization focused on providing high-quality faculty-focused programs and resources for community and technical colleges that want to make the most of their professional development. NISOD is known for its international annual conference on teaching and leadership excellence, Innovation Abstracts publication, webinars, and Excellence Award programs.
Texas Community College Teachers Association (TCCTA)
The Texas Community College Teachers Association is dedicated “to the pursuit of excellence in teaching and the advancement of education in the community, junior, and technical colleges of Texas.” Members are educators from every teaching discipline. For this conference opportunity, Austin Community College (ACC) pays the annual convention registration fee for faculty to attend the TCCTA annual convention, but faculty must be a member to attend. ACC pays registration only and does not pay travel costs unless faculty acquire that funding from their department.