Just Be
We have weathered unprecedented times in the last two years. The impact of COVID-19, a drastic shift in work environments, and the ongoing focus to ensure equity in access and opportunity in our communities, remind us daily that we must be drivers of change and also adapt to it. Yet uncertainties and constant, abrupt, or rapid change in our personal and professional lives can sometimes come with a cost to our wellness, mental and physical health, and general wellbeing.
As we worked with our partners across the college, in light of these challenges, the need that repeatedly stood out for us was taking time to ‘Just Be.’ This is not about being idle, rather being intentional investing time to take care of ourselves…as we are the greatest resource in the work of student success.
This calendar is and has always been a beautiful example of the 3Cs as we connect, collaborate and care deeply for each other and our students. It is important to also care for ourselves. In this year’s calendar we (1) share research on practices that support wellness and mental health, (2) feature ACC student art/photographs that depict the practices, and (3) via QR code provide an accompanying website with more details, information, and links to resources that you and our students can use. We hope this calendar inspires you to employ the practices shared and take time to Just Be.