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End of Semester Prep

The end of the semester is just as important as the start. Below are some tips and resources to help you end on a good note. Do you have a suggestion for this page? Please email

Faculty Support Links

Get help from an Educational Technologist by submitting a mojo ticket or call (512) 223-0111 Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm. You can also visit the Teaching & Learning Centers page.

Get help from ACC Libraries by visiting the Ask a Librarian webpage.

Visit the Teaching Consultations & Support page for additional assistance options.

End of Semester Tips

R.B. typing on laptopThe end of the semester is just as important as the start. Below are some tips and resources to help you end on a good note.

1. Breathe! You’re almost done!

2. Create a way to treat yourself for when you’re done.

3. Before starting on your tasks, set up your desk/work area, make yourself a cup of tea/coffee, or anything that helps you focus and get you ready to go!

4. Write a final farewell email to your students. You can add a summary of the course or share some final resources.

5. Create folders to archive your course materials like syllabus, assignments, etc. Upload them to a Google Drive folder to keep them safe and accessible from different devices.

Submit Grades

Submit Grades for Students via Blackboard

Review the Teaching & Learning Knowledgebase page on the Blackboard Grade Center.

Need help with the Blackboard Grade Center? Contact an Educational Technologist.

Submit Final Grades via MyACC – Faculty


Additional Information Regarding Submission of Grades

***** Deadline for grade entry for final class sessions: Friday, May 17 at 5:00 p.m. *****

MyACC is available at all times, with the exception of routine system maintenance downtime from 5 p.m. Friday evening until 9 a.m. Saturday morning. The grade entry system closes at 5 p.m. on the final grade deadline at the end of each semester.

MyACC Instructions:

Final grades are to be submitted using the MyACC / Class Management / Grading system. A full tutorial for using the system can be found at

Your login for MyACC is your ACCeID. If you have not already set up your EID, you can do so at Activate Your ACCeID.

Accessing the system: From the Internet please go to the following URL: From the main ACC web page go to Faculty & Staff and choose MyACC, the Course Management block, then Grade Submission.

The instructor may change grades that have been entered using ACC Faculty Online at any time prior to the grade submission deadline. Grades that are entered before the deadline will not appear on a student’s record until the system is closed and the verification processing is completed in Admissions and Records one day after grades are due.

Note: If a student withdrew or was withdrawn by the instructor prior to the final withdrawal deadline, the student’s name and grade of “W” will NOT appear on the online Grading screen.  In addition, if an instructor marks the student record as “never attended” (for financial aid purposes) a grade must be entered for the student unless the student has withdrawn or the instructor has previously withdrawn the student.

All instructors are required to enter the last date of attendance for each student on the final grade roster for whom a grade of ‘F’ is being awarded. The last date of attendance doesn’t apply to any student an instructor previously reported as ‘never attended’ for the class roster certification.

Once the deadline has passed, grade changes must be made using the Grade Change Request Form.


Technical Issues?

If you experience difficulty logging on to the system to submit grades, please create a MOJO ticket: or email at General questions concerning grade submission procedures may be directed to the Admissions and Enrollment Office on campus or the HBC Admissions and Enrollment Office.

Please contact the Admissions and Enrollment Office by sending an email to if any of the information is incorrect.

Return Checked Out Equipment

Did you check out a webcam, iPad, or headset for use during the semester? Items are checked out from the Office of Academic Technology.

Faculty can return technology to any Teaching & Learning Center (TLC), regardless of which campus they were at when they checked out the device.


Update Your Website

Do you have a Google Site with information about yourself, the courses you teach, and other helpful information to help your students? Don’t forget to update it and add a good-bye message for your students. If you need help, please contact an Educational Technologist.

Review your Course Evaluation Results

Please review your results to help you reflect on your teaching and help update future courses. Visit the Course Evaluation Results page for a detailed explanation of the report format and ratings. For any questions about course evaluation results and ratings, please email

You can also schedule a consultation to discuss teaching strategies and ideas with an experienced instructional designer by visiting the Teaching Consultations & Support page.

Faculty Events Calendar

View our Faculty Events Calendar for:

      • Upcoming professional development opportunities
      • Important College dates & deadlines
      • Self-paced & archived training

This calendar is interactive and offers users the ability to sort by topic as well as overlap events with your Google Calendar. Bookmark this URL for quick access:

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Blackboard Help

Visit the comprehensive list for Blackboard help.


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