Course Evaluation
Austin Community College (ACC) maintains a comprehensive set of pages on the processes and procedures for full-time, adjunct, and distance education faculty evaluation. The course evaluation process is led and supported by the Office of Faculty Evaluation. Course evaluations are conducted every semester and it is required for each course. A Course Evaluation FAQ page is also available for reference.
If you have any questions regarding the evaluation process and procedures please can visit the Faculty Evaluation page, email facultyevaluation@austincc.edu or call 512-223-7992.
For additional information, please refer to Administrative Rule #4.1201.02
Important Updates
Course Evaluation Input Forms are now listed further down on this page.
Updating Course Evaluation Info: To request changes to the course evaluation course/instructor information, please submit the Request Form
Course Evaluations are Completely Online!
Students will be able to access course evaluations online via Blackboard. Students will know when the course evaluation is available or about to open, and when it closes.
Faculty will be able to see how many course evaluations have been submitted while the course evaluation is open, and after grades are submitted, see evaluation results.
With course evaluations online, faculty will no longer use precious instructional time to conduct course evaluations. Faculty can focus on teaching and students on learning.
The course evaluation calendar outlines the dates for when course evaluation opens for each session. If your course evaluation isn’t available by the date listed on the course evaluation calendar, please contact the Office of Faculty Evaluation: facultyevaluation@austincc.edu.
The following are copies of the course evaluation questionnaires:
- Clinical Form – Evaluation form for clinical instruction.
- F2F Lecture/Lab Form – Evaluation form for face-to-face lecture/lab courses.
- F2F Lecture Form – Evaluation form for face-to-face lecture courses.
- Distance Learning Lab Form – Evaluation for Distance Learning Lab courses.
- Distance Learning Lecture Form – Evaluation for Distance Learning Lecture courses.
- DL Faculty Evaluation – Evaluation form for distance education courses.
Course evaluation results are now available online. To access them, please log in through the evaluation link available in your Blackboard course.
To learn more about how to interpret your course evaluation results, please visit the webpage below.
The Course Evaluation Semester Reports provide an analysis of course evaluation data by semester.
Semester reports will be posted below as they become available.
Are you a department chair needing access to course evaluation results for your faculty? Please log in to your BOX account to access them.
To learn how to use Box, please view these Box video tutorials. Do you have questions about how to use your BOX account? Please visit the Course Evaluation FAQ.
Due to a change in the ACC BOX security protocol, Department Chairs are now promoted to the “co-owner” role of their course evaluation folder(s) in the ACC BOX portal. This privilege allows Chairs to add users or remove users from their departmental folder(s).
As the co-owner of the departmental folder(s), it is important that you regularly review the “Share” settings of your folder(s) and remove any users who should not have access. You are going to see a few TLED staff listed in your share setting, this is because your departmental folder(s) are stored under “Instructional Services” and the Faculty Evaluation Office staff need access to your folder(s) in order to provide you the course evaluation reports.
If you encounter any problem adding users or removing them from your BOX folder(s), you may submit a Mojo ticket. An IT staff will assist you. Visit this ACC BOX training resource site to learn more details.
Reports for Deans & Department Chairs in BOX
Below is the list of faculty evaluation reports for department chairs.
- Individual course reports (PDF) (Sample)
- Compilation reports per course type and instructor (PDF). For example, this sample compilation report contains the summary of the same instructor from his/her two lecture courses (Sample)
- A report of each course average (See sample Excel file, last column)
- Grade distribution report
- No Response Report
If you have any questions, please contact facultyevaluation@austincc.edu
View Reports
To review the reports, please go to the ACC BOX website. They will be available by the 2nd week of the next semester. If you are interested in using BOX Drive, an app that allows you to access the reports via File Explorer on your computer, you can download the free app on the Box website. You can find BOX training materials in this Google shared folder if you are not familiar with the tool.
Deans and department chairs can now login to the ACC course evaluation system, ClassClimate to pull more advanced reports, such as a report for the whole department across different semesters. These types of reports will come in handy for your program review or accreditation requirements.
Below are recordings and slides are available for your reference:
- Demo (16:20 minutes)
- Slides
- Full Training(slides + demo) (59:15 minutes)
If you would like to earn professional development hours for this, you may sign up for the online self-paced workshop with the same materials.
Please reach out to facultyevaluation@austincc.edu if you have any questions or would like a quick refresher on the features.
Do you have questions about course evaluation? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
We want to hear from you!
Let us know your feedback on the course evaluation process by submitting this survey. Please feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns at facultyevaluation@austincc.edu.
Faculty Values
Online course evaluation empowers all ACC students to participate in the course evaluation process and provides timely feedback to faculty on their teaching.
ACC Faculty Values play a significant role in the professional development and programming of faculty development and more at ACC.