Lecture Capture
Lecture capture is a general term used for recording lectures and then making them available online, typically for students to review. These videos can be recorded at the same time as when a face-to-face lecture is being given, or can be recorded in the comfort of your office or home.
Austin Community College (ACC) provides support for the lecture capture tool Panopto.
Request Support
If you need support, please submit the Faculty Support form. Need ideas on how to implement these lecture capture tools into your teaching? Please visit the Teaching Consultations & Support page to set up a consultation.
Panopto is not only a lecture capture tool, but also features a robust video streaming platform. Think of Panopto as an “internal YouTube channel.” Videos stored within Panopto can have varying permission settings, can be embedded within your Blackboard course, and shared with others through a unique web address. Panopto also provides automated machine captioning for all videos.
Panopto includes the following features:
- Available to all ACC faculty, staff, and students (no individual license required)
- Upload and edit previously recorded video, audio, and caption files
- Embed individual videos and video channels within your Blackboard course
- Restrict videos to ACC users (by logging in through Okta) or available for the general public with a custom web address
- Collaborate with other Panopto users on a collection of videos by using shared folders
- Embed questions within videos to ensure students are engaged – scores can be reflected in Blackboard Gradebook.
- Use powerful analytics to identify students in need of further help
- And more!
Getting Started with Panopto
Staff and Students: Log into Panopto with your ACCeID credentials
Panopto Considerations
Video Retention Policy
Videos stored on Panopto will be moved to your individual Recycle Bin (in Panopto) 13 months after the last time the video has been viewed. After this time, the video can be restored by locating the video in your Recycle Bin and selecting the Restore option. Videos will be permanently deleted out of Panopto 3 years after the last time the video was watched.
Shared Folders
Creating and adding users to shared folders must be requested by submitting a Panopto Support Request Form.
Video Ownership
While Panopto supports multiple permission levels on each video, videos can have only one owner. Video ownership can be changed by submitting a Panopto Support Request Form.
Training and Support
Articles and training videos have been created and can be viewed on the Teaching & Learning Knowledge Base.
The Educational Technologists on each campus can also provide guidance, and training on using Panopto.
If you have additional questions about lecture capture tools, please contact the Office of Academic Technology.
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