Respondus 4.0
Respondus 4.0 is a software tool to develop and manage exams. Respondus 4.0 also enables instructors to upload exams into Blackboard without having to retype those questions in Blackboard.
Respondus 4.0 is free to ACC faculty for both your office and home computer. Faculty can learn more and request access to Respondus 4.0 by submitting the Request for Software Download – Respondus Authoring Tool Form. Please note that Mac users do not need to request access to Respondus 4.0. Mac users can only access Respondus 4.0 through the Remote Desktop.
Request Support
To request Respondus 4.0 support from an Educational Technologist, please submit a Faculty Mojo Ticket. Consultations with an Instructional Designer are available and can be requested by submitting the Instructional Design Consultation Form.
Faculty Need to Know that:
- The creation of exams via Respondus 4.0 is usually faster and easier than creating assessments in Blackboard™.
- Exams may be created in a text editor or Word and imported into Respondus 4.0.
- Thousands of publisher test banks are compatible with Respondus 4.0 and can be accessed if the textbook has been adopted for the course.
- Exams may be printed from Respondus 4.0.
- Exams may be uploaded to Blackboard and delivered as an online exam either non-secure or secure using the Respondus LockDown Browser.
- Exams and reports may be downloaded from Blackboard using Respondus 4.0.
Testing at ACC
Please visit the Faculty Use of ACC Testing Centers page for information on testing guidelines and faculty-focused information about any upcoming changes for faculty use of ACC Testing Centers. To view all of the testing options available, as well as any security for each option, visit the Testing Guide.
Respondus LockDown Browser
Respondus Lockdown Browsers is a separate, complementary tool that instructors frequently use with Respondus 4.0 to administer secure online exams. Instructors can enable the LockDown Browser tool in Blackboard by following the steps in this article.
Learn More: Respondus Lockdown Browser
Students should open Respondus LockDown Browser and update to the latest version before taking an assessment. Instructions on how to update LockDown Browser can be found here.
If students need technical support on updating Respondus LockDown Browser, they can contact Student Technology Services.
Training and Support
Teaching consultations are available to help you implement this tool into your teaching.
Educational Technologists are available to provide training and answer any questions.
Workshops to learn about the tools available for teaching and learning are available.
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