ACC Faculty Evaluation Proposed Revisions – Proposed Faculty Reflection Form
This is the form that replaces the “Faculty Input Form”. Self-reflection is an important part of professional development and evaluation, bringing together theory and practice to consider your past experiences and to plan for the future. The Faculty Reflection Form is meant to encourage self-reflection and to provide more complete information about what faculty have been working on; this should be submitted every fall and spring semester (summer if required by your department).
These forms will be considered during your annual faculty evaluation to provide some insight into your instructional performance (questions 1 and 2), your student feedback and faculty reflection (question 3), your professional development (question 4), and your professional service (question 5, required for full-time faculty only). This form encourages you to reflect on what happened this semester, celebrate what worked, consider what could be improved, and provide additional context for how your classes went this semester. It can also be used to inform your department about any non-instructional work you have been doing as well as to contribute your voice to the interpretation of student feedback. Your responses here are not expected to be particularly lengthy; write only as much as is needed to answer the questions.
Your Faculty Reflection Form
Teaching and Student Learning
1. Please describe how you taught one of your classes this semester
Give a summary of your teaching plans for one of your classes this semester. Describe a typical class and how you spent that time to encourage student learning. Consider the following questions in particular:
Discuss the various assessment strategies you used to demonstrate student learning.
How did you attempt to create a sense of community in your class and ensure that all students had the opportunity to interact with you and with each other?
How does your instruction engage, challenge and address the different strengths and needs of your students, while ensuring that each student can participate fully and feel that their participation is valued?
Course: _________________________ Semester: ________
2. Reflect upon how well your teaching plans went this semester
Please discuss how well the plans you described above as well as those from your other classes achieved your goals this semester. Reviewers recognize that sometimes changes don’t work out according to plan, so they will focus on your response to those situations rather than just the results. Please consider the following questions specifically:
- If things went well, what changes are you considering in order to tweak them for next time?
- If something didn’t work out as well, what do you think you could do to improve it?
- How did your students respond in class and on tests and assignments?
- If you feel like the grade distribution for one of your classes needs some context or explanation, this would be a good place to address that as well.
- Be sure to consider who is benefiting and succeeding in your courses and who is not. Reflect upon things you might do to help a broader group of students succeed in your classes.
3. Reflect upon the feedback you received from your Student Course Evaluations this semester
This is where you can respond to student feedback, both the ratings and the comments. While it is certainly true that student feedback can often be influenced by things other than our actual teaching, we owe it to our students to take this feedback seriously; this is one way that our students can express their thoughts about our classes. Your response to this feedback contributes significantly to your rating for Student Feedback and Faculty Reflection in your summary evaluation.
Professional Responsibilities
4. Update on Professional Development and Growth
List the faculty development activities you have engaged in this semester to meet ACC requirements. If you completed a Goals for Professional Development and Growth plan within the last 3 years, explain how this work relates to your faculty development goals from that plan. If your goals are changing, please briefly discuss that here. Specifically, how do you feel these Professional Development goals or activities will impact your teaching practices?
5. Update on Professional Service
(Required for full-time faculty only. While this section is not required for adjuncts, if you are an adjunct who has been involved in college or departmental work outside of your teaching duties, please complete this section so that your Department will be aware of this work when reviewing your materials.)
An added focus in faculty evaluations will be on professional service, to your department, the college, or a professional organization or industry group. While your teaching duties are the most important aspect of your work, you are also expected to contribute to the college in other ways as part of your position as a full-time faculty member.
- During your first few years as an ACC faculty member, you will likely not be involved in as many things as longer serving faculty. Over time, it is expected that you will use your increasing knowledge of the college’s culture and its needs to participate more fully in the academic community.
- Please be sure to specify your level of involvement in the different committees, workgroups, etc.
- Examples:
- Departmental responsibilities – mentoring, departmental curriculum development, organizing department events, workshops, assisting with advising, working on departmental accreditation, or special projects.
- College-wide work – serving on college-wide or campus committees, presentations at General Assembly, student organization sponsor, Senate/AFA representative, presenting a workshop, submitting or administering a grant, or representing ACC at a community event.
- Professional service – service to a professional organization or industry group, presenting at a professional conference, co-authoring a text or article, consulting for industry, or volunteering for a discipline or industry-related organization.
For any questions, please email Marcus McGuff at mmcguff@austincc.edu or Gale Spear at gales@austincc.edu. To submit feedback on the proposed faculty evaluation components, please use the submit feedback links listed on the page.