Teaching Consultations & Support
The Teaching & Learning Excellence Division (TLED) and the Office of Distance & Alternative Education (ODAE) provide comprehensive support in course design, technology tools for teaching, and other high-impact practices that contribute to our Guided Pathways model at Austin Community College (ACC). Our teams are available for various types of consultations to provide just-in-time assistance and support to faculty for their teaching. Review our robust options below.
Academic Technology * Distance Education
Faculty Development * Library Services * Experiential Learning
Office of Academic Technology (OAT) provides resources and services to support teaching and learning in the face-to-face and online environments. We are available to help faculty address their instructional needs, use classroom technologies, and connect to computing resources. We also have dedicated staff that consult on projects that promote academic success for students.
Connect with Educational Technologists
Get Blackboard Help
- Course Copy
- Creating Announcements
- Grade Center
- Course Alerts
- Uploading Assignments
- Technical Issues
- Training
Get Help with AIP
Adoption & Insight Portal (AIP) is Barnes and Noble’s textbook selection software. We can help you get started.
Get Help with Tools
Panopto, Respondus, Adobe Creative Cloud, iPads, Google Suite (Google Doc, Calendar, Sites, etc), Padlet, Zoom, and more!
Get Web Conferencing Support
Help is available for classes, administrative meetings, and special events.
Request Help
Call 512-223-0111 to reach our trained Educational Technologists for immediate help or submit the request form below.
Consultations Available
Assistance is available for different types of instructional projects:
- Integrating technology into a course as a full course redesign or an individual module/activity
- Video/image/3D graphic animation production
- Instructional Website Development
- Integrating open educational resources (OER) or Inclusive Access/First Day into your course
Schedule a Consultation
Not sure where to start? Our Instructional Designers are ready to assist!
The Office of Distance and Alternative Education (ODAE) works diligently to provide comprehensive support services for potential and current distance education faculty. ODAE provides online course design, synchronous and asynchronous training, and Quality Matters training.
Connect with Faculty Instructional Designers
- Online/Hybrid Course Design & Pedagogy Consultations
- Consult on DE Pedagogies
- Research & Implement New Technologies
- Transfer Face-to-Face Courses to Online/Hybrid
- Online Course Redesign Academy (OCRA)
- Online Course Accessibility
- Accessibility Checking for PDF, Word & PowerPoint Documents
- Blackboard Ally
- Video Closed Captioning Assistance
- Online Testing Tools Support
- Creating Tests, Surveys, and Pools in Blackboard
- Respondus Lockdown Browser & Respondus Monitor
- Alternative Assessments
- Online Proctoring
- Lecture Capture/Presentation Tool Support
- Online/Hybrid Course Design & Pedagogy Consultations
- Distance Education Professional Development
- Synchronous & Asynchronous Training
- Distance Learning Instruction Series
- Applying the Quality Matters Rubric
- Instructional Design Series Workshops
- Distance Education Speaker Series
- Blackboard 1-4
- Quality Matters (QM)
- QM Point of Contact
- QM Certification & Training
- QM Course Redesign Support
- QM Course Review Support
Need to redesign your course for online learning? Please submit the form below.
To schedule a consultation for any of the topics listed above, please email:
The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) encourages and supports the continuous acquisition of knowledge and skills by coordinating and providing the highest quality professional development opportunities for faculty.
Consultations Available
- Teaching Best Practices & Strategies:
- Promoting equity in your classroom
- Culturally responsive teaching
- Active and collaborative Learning
- Classroom management
- Andragogy
- Discuss ways to transfer in class engagement techniques to the online environment
- Faculty Portfolio and Professional Development Plan
- Faculty Leadership: Sabbatical, Faculty Talent Onboarding, Faculty Learning Communities, Faculty Interest Groups, Teaching & Learning Academy
Library Services supports teaching and learning at Austin Community College (ACC) by offering services and programs that will help faculty and students attain a successful learning experience.
Consultations Available
- Creating customized library instruction videos and class guides
- Finding discipline-specific streaming media to assign to students for “class” viewing
- Identifying discipline-specific web content with more active content such as virtual activities (tutorials, tours, etc.)
- Scheduling information literacy sessions for classes
- Matching library tutorials to general student learning outcomes
- Using online content from the Library’s web-based subscription resources
- Using our online subject and class guides designed specifically for ACC coursework
- Identifying and assistance in vetting Open Educational Resources (OER) to replace or supplement textbooks
Several options are available to initiate the process:
The Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) provides services to Austin Community College (ACC) academic departments to develop and maintain cooperative education programs. Cooperative education experiences can be a key part of a students’ academic career that can lead to hands-on experience, networking opportunities and potentially a future job.
The OEL Internships Program provides support services to ACC academic departments to develop and maintain internships. Our Internship Program also assists city, state, and county agencies, companies, and non-profits to develop internships programs and connect them to ACC departments with student interns. Support includes assistance with finding internship opportunities, training faculty for their internship practicum instructor role and provide ongoing support.
ACC departments or faculty wanting to start an internship program can get the process started by requesting a consultation via email:
Service-Learning is a form of experiential learning that integrates community service into the curricular objectives of an academic course. Students work directly with local organizations to benefit their cause while gaining a better understanding of how the content they learn at ACC can be used to generate real world change. The OEL Service-Learning Program is available to help you every step of the way by providing faculty training, and assistance in connecting with community partners.
To get the process started, please schedule an appointment online:
Get Help
Faculty Events Calendar
View our Faculty Events Calendar for:
- Upcoming professional development opportunities
- Important College dates & deadlines
- Self-paced & archived training
This calendar is interactive and offers users the ability to sort by topic as well as overlap events with your Google Calendar. Bookmark this URL for quick access: tled.austincc.edu/calendar.
Get event updates in your inbox weekly.