Competency-Based Education Fellowships
The Competency-Based Education Course Design Faculty Fellowships are designed to support faculty in the redesign of courses employing competency-based best practices and strategies that support equitable outcomes in student success. These fellowships move from training and professional development and progress towards a focus on research and disseminating outcomes and results.
Competency-Based Education Course Design
Faculty will attend a training or a workshop on CBE course design and then complete a new CBE course design and development. The course will be reviewed against the Quality Matters rubric.
Length: 16 weeks Maximum
Timeline: Year-Round Option
Approval: None Required
Stipend: $1,000
- Requires completion of an application
- Must teach in a department that offers CBE or plans to develop a CBE program
Participation in CBE Course Design puts candidates in the selection pool for the CBE Course Design fellowship.
- Complete CBE training
- Develop one CBE course design
- Complete the Internal QM review for the newly designed CBE course
- Complete CBE fellow checklist
Phase 1:
- Attend CBE training
Phase 2:
- Select a course to apply QM to the CBE course design
- Complete Alignment Table for selected course ($500)
Phase 3:
- Develop CBE course in Blackboard
- Complete internal QM-Certified course ($500)
Competency-Based Education Course Design Fellow
- Faculty will teach the CBE course within a year, then author a reflection on the successes and issues after teaching the course at least once.
- Give a presentation or facilitate training to other faculty and members related to CBE course design and development during Distance Education Symposium or any other college-wide event ($200).
Length: 1-year program
Track 1: Spring/Summer/Fall for 1 year
Track 1: Fall Applications
Approvals Needed: Department Chair including assigned course to design and offer/teach and Distance Education Department (Director and DE Instructional Designer)
Stipend: $1,200
Fellowships Available: Up to 4 per year
- Requires completion of an application
- Requires completion of CBE Course Design Training
- Have at least one Internally QM-certified CBE course to be offered within a year
- Teach the CBE course within a year
- Create a bulleted list of the revisions they have made to improve the courses from student evaluation and feedback
- Give a presentation or facilitate training to other faculty and members related to CBE course design and development during Distance Education Symposium or any other college-wide event
Participation in the CBE Course Design Fellowship places candidates in the selection pool for the Senior CBE fellowship.
Phase 1 – $500
- Teach the CBE course within a year
Phase 2 – $500
- Gather evaluation and feedback to improve on a course
- Revise and update the course accordingly
- Provide a bulleted list of the revisions you’ve made to improve your course from the evaluation and feedback you received
Phase 3 – $200
- Give a presentation or facilitate training to other faculty and members related to CBE course design and development during Distance Education Symposium or any other college-wide event
The application deadline has passed.
Acceptance notifications will be sent no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024.
Participation in the CBE Course Design Fellowship places candidates in the selection pool for the Senior CBE Fellowship.
Senior Competency-Based Education Fellow
Faculty will identify and select a problem or issue to research surrounding the CBE course and the related redesign strategy. They will gather existing research and data from reputable publications and participate in professional development opportunities to deepen understanding about contemporary issues with CBE. Fellows will prepare a literature review, conduct research and prepare a publishable article. In addition, they will offer workshops or training and serve as a peer mentor to other faculty.
Length: 2-year program
Track 1: Spring/Summer/Fall for 2 years
Track 1: Fall Applications
Approvals Needed: Department Chair, Dean, and Distance Education Department (Director and DE Instructional Designer)
Stipend: $2,500
Fellowships Available: Up to 2 per year
- Requires completion of an application
- Requires completion of the CBE Course Design Fellowship
- Have at least one Internally QM-certified CBE course to be offered within two years
- Conduct CBE course design and delivery-related research
- Write a proposal or publishable article
- Make a DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE-related workshop series
- Attend a DE-related conference and report on the experience
- Complete the CBE fellow checklist
Participation in the Senior CBE Fellowship puts candidates in the selection pool for future development opportunities.
Year 1
- Identify and gather research topic related to CBE course design and delivery (Fall/Spring)
- Complete a literature review and finalize the research topic (Spring/Summer)
- Identify data collection process and methodology (Summer/Fall)
- Implement research topic to CBE course design (Summer/Fall) ($1000)
- Make DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE-related workshop series ($150)
Year 2
- Teach research based CBE course (Fall/Spring)
- Collect and analyze data (Spring/Summer)
- Write proposal or publishable article and submit (Summer/Fall)
- Make DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE related workshop series ($150)
- Attend a CBE or DE related Conference and report on experience
- Write proposal or publishable article and submit (Summer/Fall) ($1200)
Teaching Requirement:
- Teach the CBE course within a year ($500).
The application deadline has passed.
Acceptance notifications will be sent no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024.
For any questions about Competency-Based Education Fellowships, please contact Michelle Escudier (michelle.escudier@austincc.edu).