Quality Matters Fellowships
Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer review process designed to improve the quality of online courses. QM is based on nationally recognized best practices and built on the expertise of experienced online instructors and instructional designers.
Learn more about Quality Matters (QM):
Quality Matters Course Design
Participants will focus on completing the basic training for Quality Matters (QM) – Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR). Then, participants will work on completing the design of one online, or one hybrid, or one competency-based course with support from a Distance Education Instructional Designer. The completed course will also require successful completion of an internal Quality Matters (QM) review.
1. Complete the APPQMR training offered by Distance Education
APPQMR Description: Learn the underlying principles behind the QM Rubric and the critical elements of the QM quality assurance process. Learn about drafting helpful recommendations as you apply the Rubric to an actual course. It involves faculty participating in the Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) workshop for 6 hours and the completion of course design and alignment using Quality Matters (QM) Rubric and standards.
2. Complete one online/hybrid/CBE course design and the course must meet internal QM review
Length: Max 14 weeks
Phase 1: Attend APPQMR training
Phase 2: Select an online/hybrid/CBE course to apply QM for course design
Complete Alignment Table for the selected course
Phase 3: Develop course in Blackboard
Complete internal QM-Certified course
Stipend: $1,000
The application deadline has passed.
Acceptance notifications will be sent no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024.
Participation in the QM Course Design opportunity places candidates in the selection pool for the QM Fellow.
Faculty who have completed OCRA are eligible to apply for the QM Fellow directly.
Quality Matters Fellow
Participants will attend additional training and professional development (in-house or external), serve as a peer reviewer to improve ACC online/hybrid/CBE course design, teach and prepare a course for National QM review. In addition they will offer training and serve as a peer mentor to other faculty.
Pre-Requisites: Requires completion of Level 1 Fellowship and have at least one Internally QM-certified online/hybrid course offered in the Spring or the Fall semester
Length: 1-year program
Track 1: Spring/Summer/Fall
Track 1: Fall Applications
Approvals Needed: Department Chair including assigned course to design and offer/teach
and Distance Education Department (Director and DE ID)
Stipend: $1,200
Number of Fellowships:
Up to 4 per year
- Complete official and/or internal Peer Reviewer training
- Internally Review one online/hybrid/CBE course
- Submit at least one course for National QM review
- Make DE symposium presentation or lead at least one DE related workshop series
Participation in level 2 places candidates in the selection pool for level 3 fellowship.
- Complete official QM Peer Reviewer training
- Internally review at least one online/hybrid/CBE course
- Submit at least one course for National QM review
- Make a DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE-related workshop series
- Serve as a mentor for the QM Course Design participants
Phase 1: Peer Review
- Complete National QM Peer Reviewer training (by the end of Spring/Fall) ($500)
- Perform one ACC Internal QM course review (by the end of Fall/Summer) ($300)
Phase 2: National QM Review
- Teach internally QM-certified course (Spring/Fall)
- Assess and prepare the course for the National QM Review (Eight QM General Standards) (Summer/Spring)
- Submit prepared course for national QM review (Fall/Summer) ($250)
Make DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE related workshop series ($150)
The application deadline has passed.
Acceptance notifications will be sent no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024.
Participation in QM Fellow places candidates in the selection pool for the Senior QM fellowship.
Senior Quality Matters Fellow
Faculty will identify and select a problem or issue to research surrounding the course and the related redesign strategy. They will gather existing research and data from reputable publications and participate in professional development opportunities to deepen understanding about contemporary issues. Fellows will prepare a literature review, conduct research and prepare a publishable article. In addition they will offer training and serve as a peer mentor to other faculty.
Pre-Requisite: Requires completion of QM Fellow
Length: 2-year program
Track 1: Spring/Summer/Fall for 2 years
Track 1: Fall Applications
Approvals Needed: Department Chair, Dean, and Distance Education Department (Director and DE ID)
Stipend: $2,500
Number of Fellowships: Up to 2 per year
- Conduct QM course design related research
- Write proposal or publishable article
- Make DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE related workshop series<
- Attend DE related conference and report on experience
Participation in level 3 puts candidates in the selection pool for future development opportunities.
First Year
- Perform at least one ACC Internal QM course review (by the end of Fall/Summer) ($300)
- Identify and gather research topic related to QM course design (Fall/Spring)
- Complete literature review and finalize the research topic (Spring/Summer)
- Identify data collection process and methodology (Summer/Fall)
- Implement research topic to QM course design (Summer/Fall) ($1000)
- Make DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE related workshop series ($100)
Year 2
- Teach research-based QM course (Fall/Spring)
- Collect and analyze data (Spring/Summer)
- Write a proposal or publishable article and submit (Summer/Fall) ($1000)
- Make DE Symposium presentation or lead at least one DE related workshop series ($100)
- Attend QM or DE related Conference and report on the experience
The application deadline has passed.
Acceptance notifications will be sent no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2024.
Participation in the Senior QM Fellowship places candidates in the selection pool for future development opportunities.
For questions about Quality Matters Fellowships, please contact Katie McClendon (katie.mcclendon@austincc.edu).